CBD for women

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What is CBD and what potential benefits does it hold for your physical and mental health, especially as a woman?

CBD or cannabidiol is a naturally occurring chemical compound found in the leaves and seeds of cannabis and hemp plants. When most people hear the term ‘CBD’ or cannabis, they may immediately think of the negative connotations associated with cannabis in the form of a psychoactive drug.

In reality, CBD derived from hemp does not contain any THC, or legally, cannot contain levels of more than 0.3% THC as per FDA regulations.

This means that the possibility of a CBD oil from a reputable CBD company creating any psychoactive side effects, is very slim, if at all.

CBD as a natural remedy

CBD products are becoming increasingly popular amongst the realm of natural remedies. This powerful chemical found within the cannabis plant naturally has many potential health and wellness benefits, especially for women.

As women, we tend to experience far more symptoms of discomfort on a daily, or monthly basis. Our hormones may not always be kind to our physical and mental wellbeing and we may experience symptoms such as mood swings, PMS symptoms and anxiety.

There are so many products sold to women on an annual basis that make claims to provide relief to the common discomforts that women may experience.

Unfortunately, not all medications are either safe for long term use or actually treat or provide relief to symptoms and this could leave women suffering on an ongoing basis.

The beauty industry has also begun to incorporate CBD infusions into their products due to the potential anti-inflammatory benefits for skin, and the potential for CBD products to help treat wrinkles and other skin concerns.

CBD oil for women

When it comes to the overall mental health of women, we are faced with more daily challenges than our male counterparts.

Every month we may experience mood swings and PMS symptoms which can bring on anxiety and depression as we know what awaits us each month.

We may struggle with insomnia and the ability to stay asleep at night. Experiencing cold sweats from pre-menstrual and menopausal circumstances which may lead to multiple night time wakings.

We are the majority of the time heads of our households, managing everyone’s day to day schedules and tasks and taking on a great deal of stress.

If this isn’t enough, our skin changes and transforms on a daily basis. We may experience outbreaks and wrinkles and pigmentation that could lead to low self esteem.

Basically, being a woman is hard! But, women are resilient and with the right natural remedies we can improve our overall well being.

Whilst further research is being conducted into the use of CBD products for mental and physical wellbeing, using CBD as a natural remedy may provide relief for many of the daily struggles and discomforts that women may face.

CBD may help to alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, insomnia and pain. There has even been some evidence in the use of CBD oil in cancer patients to help pain management.

Anti inflammatory properties

One of the main causes of discomfort and overall health problems can be linked to inflammation in the body. Even with COVID-19, the main cause of damage seems to occur from the resulting inflammation that occurs in the body.

Clinical studies have been conducted which confirm the anti-inflammatory effects of CBD: “CBD reduces the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines”*.

A common pain symptom that women experience on a monthly basis is period cramps. The hormones prostaglandins are responsible for helping to shed the uterine lining during menstruation and are linked to the pain and inflammation process.

CBD oil can help to reduce inflammation in the body and help to alleviate accompanying pain and discomfort such as period pain.

Advantages for mental health

Mental health concerns such as anxiety, stress and depression can make daily life and every day tasks feel harder than they should. Insomnia may kick in and being unable to sleep may create further stress and worry.

The truth is that no woman should have to suffer with her mental health, but the mental and physical toll we take on during our lives as well as the added complications of hormones can make these feelings hard to avoid.

CBD products can help to greatly reduce feelings of anxiety and provide assistance to get through the stressful times in your life by just taking the edge off.

Not everyone has the support that they require – be it family or friend or professional support. Social media platforms could create an environment where we may begin to compare our lives to someone else’s highlight reel. Beauty filters such as those found on Instagram may make us feel like we just cannot live up to other people’s lives.

When a woman feels good, she looks good, her family is happy and those around her can feel her glow. Wellness begins within!

CBD may help with pain relief

If you are experiencing ongoing chronic pain, it’s always advisable to consult your healthcare provider for sustained relief and a professional diagnosis.

However, if you happen to experience common symptoms of pain such as menstrual or hormonal migraines, period cramps or general aches and pains – then CBD products may be able to provide relief.

Evidence suggests that CBD interacts with the central nervous system receptors in the body which can ultimately provide pain relief.

CBD may be more suitable for recurring symptoms of pain that women may experience such as those related to their hormonal cycle. Headaches and cramps may be alleviated with the supplementation of CBD oils, teas and edibles.

Conventional medications can have unwanted side effects and health impacts, whereas using CBD has shown to have very limited side effects or precautions.

Millions of people consume alcohol every single day, and the risks associated with alcohol use can be far higher than those associated with the use of CBD products.

Uninterrupted sleep and pain free periods don’t need to be a distant dream on the horizon.



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